Kiat-kiat membuat Cookies OAT Cranberry nikmat

Cookies OAT Cranberry. Soft and chewy oatmeal cookies with white chocolate chips and dried cranberries. Cranberry Orange Oat Cookies. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Dotted with cranberries, orange zest and vanilla chips, these cookies are so colorful and fun to eat.

Cookies OAT Cranberry Loaded with chocolate, cranberries, and nutsyour choice! The Oat Cranberry Cookies recipe outour category Grain! How to Make The Best Cranberry Cookies. Kamu dapat membuat Cookies OAT Cranberry menggunakan 8 bahan dengan 7 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Cookies OAT Cranberry

  1. Dibutuhkan 12 sdm Oat (Quaker oat meal).
  2. Sediakan 10 sdm tepung terigu (protein rendah).
  3. Siapkan 1 butir telur.
  4. Siapkan 8 sdm Margarin.
  5. Siapkan 8 sdm Gula Halus.
  6. Siapkan 2 sdm gula pasir.
  7. Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt Vanili.
  8. Siapkan Secukupnya Cranberry kering : potong kecil (optional).

I chose some mix-ins that really made me thinkfall: Dried Cranberries, Oats, Walnuts and cinnamon! The cookie recipe really comes together quickly. Fold in the oatmeal, dried cranberries and white chocolate chips- making sure that all ingredients are uniformly distributed. Discover a fun and delicious way to enjoy oats with our easy and delicious Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chunk Cookies recipe made with your favorite Quaker® products.

Langkah-langkah membuat Cookies OAT Cranberry

  1. Masukkan ke dalam wadah : Margarin,Gula, Vanili, telur Mixer sebentar hingga rata dengan kecepatan tinggi..
  2. Tuang OAT mixer sampai rata dengan kecepatan rendah matikan Mixer..
  3. Tuang tepung terigu aduk rata dengan spatula..
  4. Masukkan cranberry secukupnya/bisa diganti yang lain sesukanya (kacang /chocochip/keju/buah kering lainnya).
  5. Cetak dengan cetakan yang ada /bentuk sesukanya, letakkan di loyang yang sudah di alasi silpat/margarin..
  6. Masukkan kedalam oven, Pangggang dengan suhu 180° selama 15 menit (sesuai oven masing-masing)..
  7. Hasil nya renyah,manis,terasa tekstur oat nya. selamat mencoba yaa..

I started by making my favorite oatmeal cookies and added the cranberries and white chocolate I finally found the perfect way to include oats by pulverizing them in my food processor for a few. Healthy Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut Cookies Recipes. Vegan Banana Oat Breakfast CookiesPrevention RD. dried cranberries, cinnamon, natural peanut butter, unsweetened applesauce. These amazing, slimming friendly Cranberry and Almond Oat Cookies are so tasty and the perfect treat if you're counting calories or following Weight Watchers! The traditional oatmeal cookie gets a festive makeover with these Cranberry Pecan Oatmeal Cookies!