Tutorial memasak Green Tea Bread Pudding with Durian Ice Cream enak

Green Tea Bread Pudding with Durian Ice Cream. The flavourdurian flesh is rich and aromatic, it tastes great when used to make creamy and delicious ice-cream. This recipe does not have whipping cream. Makan Puding roti tawar green tea ini seperti makan ice cream 😁😄.

Green Tea Bread Pudding with Durian Ice Cream Place ice water in a large bowl that can hold a pot. Matcha Green Tea Pudding. by: Rie. Pour the matcha green tea filling into cups. Kamu dapat membuat Green Tea Bread Pudding with Durian Ice Cream menggunakan 7 bahan dengan 4 langkah simpel. Berikut cara bikinnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Green Tea Bread Pudding with Durian Ice Cream

  1. Sediakan Puding susu instan.
  2. Sediakan Susu full cream.
  3. Dibutuhkan Air.
  4. Siapkan Gula (optional untuk yang suka manis).
  5. Sediakan Bubuk green tea, cairkan (bisa diganti produk-produk green tea yang sekarang banyak dijual).
  6. Sediakan Roti tawar tanpa kulit (kalau ada kulitnya dipotong dulu juga bisa).
  7. Dibutuhkan Es krim durian (or anything, your favorit).

Serve with whipped cream on top. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Pour cooled matcha mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze according to. The name "green tea ice cream" is slightly deceptive, because the ice cream itself is not made from tea, but rather from matcha powder.

instruksi membuat Green Tea Bread Pudding with Durian Ice Cream

  1. Potong roti tawar 1×1 cm, letakkan dalam loyang.
  2. Rebus bubuk pudding dengan susu, air, dan esens green tea hingga mendidih, tambahkan gula bila perlu.
  3. Tuangkan adonan pudding, tunggu hingga dingin.
  4. Potong dan sajikan bersama ice cream durian.

Rest assured, despite the technical differences between green tea and matcha powder, this recipe for green tea (matcha) ice cream will result in a delicious frozen. We make our green tea ice cream from a highly sought-after Japanese matcha green tea, a ceremonial tea prized for its intense yet delicate essence It even beats the Asian brands' green tea ice creams in my opinion. It's very creamy and the flavor is rich. You can test if it is baked by inserting a small knife in the middle until it comes out clean. erve warm or cool. Best served with Ice cream or whipped cream.