Cara mengolah Peach gum dessert sedap

Peach gum dessert. Peach gum dessert soup is a delicious wayenjoying peach gum, regarded as a beauty tonic in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is From soups, cooked dishes to desserts, this gemstone-lookalike is a delight to both our palate and skin. Imagine, if you will, gummy bears that grow naturally on the barktrees, as delicious as they are effective at plumping and clearing your skin.

Peach gum dessert A traditional recipe for Peach Gum Dessert Soup, with longan and wolfberries. Add the peach gum and pandan leaves in a pot, then bring to a boil. Peach gum is a natural resin secreted from the peach tree, formed in amber like crystals on the tree. Kamu dapat membuat Peach gum dessert menggunakan 11 bahan dengan 3 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mengerjakannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Peach gum dessert

  1. Sediakan 1 white fungus (jamur putih) rendam stngh jam tggu mengembang potong2 pake gunting sesuai selera.
  2. Sediakan 50 gr peachgum (rendam dengan air 700ml +- 10jam dan bersihkan yg hitam2).
  3. Sediakan 10 biji dry longan (bisa beli di toko obat china) / bs beli yg kalengan buang air nya.
  4. Sediakan 10 biji red dates(angco).
  5. Siapkan 50 gr gingko (pekko) kupas kulit ny bersihkan.
  6. Sediakan 50 gr white lotus(biji teratai) sy rendam air panas sbentar biar cepet matang.
  7. Sediakan Goji berry secukupnya (kici).
  8. Sediakan Gula batu secukupnya.
  9. Sediakan Selasih.
  10. Dibutuhkan Manisan kundur.
  11. Siapkan 2 pcs daun pandan.

Peach gum also helps to achieve better digestive and cardiovascular systems. Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is found. As detailed in classical Chinese medical literature, its curative qualities include solving urinal. Refreshing and nutritious peach gum dessert with pear and longan.

instruksi membuat Peach gum dessert

  1. Setelah air mendidih masukin jamur putih,ginko,white lotus..(+- 15menit) api besar…
  2. Kmudian masukin daun pandan,kundur,longan,gulabatu,peachgum,red dates.
  3. Terakhir baru masukin goji berry dan masak 5menitan bru matiin kompor..tuang selasih di aduk2..biarkan sampai adem (klo mau cepet rendam panci ny di ember biar cepet adem) baru masukin kulkas..masukin kewadah yg di inginkan…

It's making me crave for cold desserts and I just have to make this peach gum and pear soup. Packing for all my lovely colleagues and members that's in BCF today. These perfect peach desserts are sure to satisfy the masses. These peaches with a hintgrill flavor are sweet and juicy. We serve them in a waffle bowl with ice cream.