Tutorial membuat Sugar Free Nutella Keto sedap

Tutorial membuat Sugar Free Nutella Keto sedap

Sugar Free Nutella Keto. This indulgent sounding little meal is actually packed with protein and healthy fat, sans the carbs, gluten, and sugar. If Coca Cola can sell Diet Coke for the same price than regular Coke you can also manufacture sugar-free Nutella for a similar price to the regular one! Keto crepes toppings Keto crepes are gluten free, keto friendly and sugar free.

Sugar Free Nutella Keto Nutella is the perfect examplesomething that should be keto-friendly but is far from it. The label displays a simple chocolate hazelnut spread, but the ingredients list reveals a different story: Nutella's primary ingredient is sugar. Although there are some sugar-free Nutella-like products, they rarely match what I can make at home. Kamu dapat membuat Sugar Free Nutella Keto menggunakan 5 bahan dengan 7 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Sugar Free Nutella Keto

  1. Sediakan 2 cups hazelnut.
  2. Siapkan 2/3 cups sweetener bubuk.
  3. Sediakan 1/4 cup coklat bubuk.
  4. Sediakan 1-2 sdm avocado oil.
  5. Siapkan 1 sdt vanilla extract.

In fact, […] Sugar-Free Homemade Nutella. Keto Dairy Free Cheesecake (Nut Free, Sugar Free) Keto Raspberry Cheesecake Popsicles; Magic Keto low carb sugar free nutella, it's what's for dinner. Just joking, it's not for dinner…it could be though…wait, I'll think about what we can use this sugar free nutella for, in our dinner prep. I'll get back to you, k.

instruksi membuat Sugar Free Nutella Keto

  1. Panasin oven 180C. Alasin loyang dgn baking paper. Panggang hazelnut selama 8-10menit.
  2. Angkat, kupas kulitnya pake serbet sebersih mungkin.
  3. Taruh di food processor, proses sampe keluar minyaknya.
  4. Tambahkan sweetener bubuk, coklat bubuk, 1sdm avocado oil, vanilla extract. Proses lagi sampe halus dan mengkilat.
  5. Klo masih terlalu kental tambahin avocado oil 1sdt dulu sampe mencapai kekentalan yg diinginkan..
  6. Masukkan dalam toples kedap udara. Bisa tahan 1bln di suhu ruang..
  7. Dimakan pake keto bread 😋 Enjoy 😊.

For now, let's just think about what we are going to put it on, or should we just spoon it? This sugar free hazelnut spread is softer than "real" Nutella if kept at room temperature. For a firmer spread, store in the fridge. For a firmer spread, store in the fridge. The vanilla extract is optional, but does add a lovely warm note.