Cara mengolah Keto Chocolate Avocado Mini Cupcakes nikmat

Keto Chocolate Avocado Mini Cupcakes. Healthy low-carb, keto and paleo recipes plus free guides and diet plans to help you achieve your goals on the ketogenic diet. This luscious Keto chocolate hazelnut tart This Keto brownie cupcakes recipe with coconut frosting has the bestboth worlds with a rich brownie base in the forma cupcake with a creamy. Chocolate cream mini cupcakes with avocado icing.

Keto Chocolate Avocado Mini Cupcakes There aren't many keto-friendly sweets that you can find in the store. So far, we've only found these chocolate products from Lily's Sweets brand that are the closest to being. These mini chocolate cupcakes are moist, deliciously fudgy and topped with a swirlchocolate frosting. Kamu dapat membuat Keto Chocolate Avocado Mini Cupcakes menggunakan 20 bahan dengan 13 langkah mudah. Berikut cara membuatnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Keto Chocolate Avocado Mini Cupcakes

  1. Dibutuhkan Cake 🎂.
  2. Siapkan 85 gram dark chocolate LINDT 90%.
  3. Sediakan 20 gram butter.
  4. Sediakan 20 gram cacao bubuk unsweetened.
  5. Siapkan 50 gram almond meal/flour.
  6. Siapkan Sejumput himsalt.
  7. Dibutuhkan 1 sdt baking powder.
  8. Siapkan 1/2 alpukat matang.
  9. Sediakan 2,5 ml stevia/sucralose cair (atau sesuai selera).
  10. Siapkan 1 sdt ekstrak vanila.
  11. Sediakan 2 telur.
  12. Sediakan 20 gram hazelnut cincang (optional).
  13. Dibutuhkan Frosting 🍫 🥑.
  14. Dibutuhkan 1/2 alpukat matang.
  15. Sediakan 20 gram cacao bubuk unsweetened.
  16. Sediakan 1 sdt ekstrak vanila.
  17. Siapkan 2,5 ml stevia/sucralose cair (atau sesuai selera).
  18. Sediakan 15 gram dark chocolate 🍫 LINDT 90%.
  19. Siapkan 40 gram heavy cream/crème fraîche/krim kental.
  20. Sediakan 10 gram butter.

Learn all the secrets to making perfect Mini chocolate cupcakes just might be the most adorable, delicious, biteshappiness. They have a chocolate flavor that's fudgy and chocolate-y. These are perfect little small bites to satisfy your sweet tooth, without having to eat a whole dessert. They're easy to make, they are moist and super.

Urutan membuat Keto Chocolate Avocado Mini Cupcakes

  1. Panaskan oven 180 derajat celcius..
  2. Cake 🎂 lelehkan dark chocolate dgn 20 gram butter, dinginkan..
  3. Dalam sebuah wadah campur bahan kering : cacao bubuk, almond meal/flour, baking powder dan himsalt. Dalam wadah blender/food processor, blender 1/2 alpukat, stevia/sucralose dan ekstrak vanila sampai halus..
  4. Tuang 2 telur dalam campuran alpukat, blender lagi sampai tercampur rata. Tuang di wadah lelehan dark chocolate dan butter tadi, campur pakai spatula..
  5. Tuang campuran alpukat + coklat ke wadah kering, aduk rata. Tuang hazelnut cincang, aduk lagi. Tuang ke loyang cupcake. Panggang selama kurleb 20 menit (jangan sampai gosong) angkat, biarkan dingin..
  6. Frosting 🥑🍫 Blender 1/2 alpukat dgn cacao bubuk unsweetened, stevia/sucralose cair dan ekstrak vanila, sisihkan. Lelehkan 15 gram dark chocolate 90% dgn butter. Tambahkan heavy cream ke lelehan coklat. Biarkan dingin sebentar..
  7. Tuang lelehan coklat ke blenderan alpukat. Blender lagi sampai tercampur rata dan kita akan mendapatkan frosting yg kental. Cicipi rasanya jika sudah manis. Tuang 1 sdm frosting di atas masing masing mini cupcakes..
  8. Diamkan kulkas semalaman atau min 2 jam..
  9. Siap dinikmati..
  10. Frostingannya jd padat..
  11. Coklat banget..
  12. Dan ada rasa avocadonya jg dari frosting..
  13. Karbo per 1 mini cupcakes 2,72 gram… ini hanya estimasi bahan bahan yg aku pakai, tetap perhatikan NF bahan bahan yg Anda pakai..

Rate Recipe Print Recipe Jump to Recipe. This chocolate avocado pudding is oneMatt's creations, but I'm writing the post. Well, right off the bat Matt told me I wasn't going to like this recipe, and normally, it's not something I would ever want to. These super moist chocolate cupcakes pack TONSchocolate flavor in each cupcake wrapper! Basic chocolate cupcakes which are, indefinitely, anything but basic.