Langkah mengolah Basque Burnt Cheesecake nikmat

Basque Burnt Cheesecake. This cheesecake is the alter ego to the classic New York-style cheesecake with a press-in cookie crust. Inspired by a Basque version, this is the cheesecake that wants to get burnt, cracked, and. A simple cheesecake that is the oppositewhat you would imagine the perfect cheesecake to be.

Basque Burnt Cheesecake It's a crustless cheesecake that's starting to become a trend in the US. WIth a burnt top and custardy center, this Basque Cheesecake recipe comes together from a With a caramelized top that borders on burnt and a jiggly custardy center, Basque Cheesecake is a. The unmistakable unique looking Basque Burnt Cheesecake with its deeply caramelised top that challenges the conceptthe perfect baked cheesecake has been on my mind for some time ever. Kamu dapat membuat Basque Burnt Cheesecake menggunakan 6 bahan dengan 7 langkah gampang. Berikut cara mengerjakannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Basque Burnt Cheesecake

  1. Sediakan 250 gr cream cheese (suhu ruang).
  2. Dibutuhkan 1 cup heavy cream.
  3. Dibutuhkan 2 butir telur.
  4. Dibutuhkan 100 gr gula halus.
  5. Sediakan 1 sdt vanilla essence/vanilla bubuk (bisa diskip).
  6. Dibutuhkan 1 sdt terigu.

It is a crustless cheesecake that is cooked at very high heat. This results in its rustic appearance with cracked edges. "This "burnt" cheesecake from the Basque Country doesn't require making a crust, so it's a super easy recipe! It doesn't need much time to cool and it doesn't matter if the surface cracks and gets browned. The Burnt Basque Cheesecake takes everything you thought you knew about cheesecake recipe etiquette and flips it on its head – it wants to get burnt, loves to crack, and is cooked at a high heat.

Langkah-langkah membuat Basque Burnt Cheesecake

  1. Kocok cream cheese dan gula halus sampai lembut kurang lebih 2 menit.
  2. Masukkan telur 1 persatu lalu kocok sampai rata kurleb 15 detik tiap telur.
  3. Masukkan heavy cream, terigu, dan vanilla lalu aduk dg mixer sampai rata.
  4. Alasi loyang bulat diameter 15 cm dg kertas roti sampai ujung atas loyang, panaskan oven terlebih dahulu pada suhu 225 °C kurang lebih 5 menit.
  5. Tuangkan adonan pada loyang lalu panggang dg api bawah pada suhu 225-240 °C sampai kecoklatan golden brown. Lanjutkan dg api atas bawah sampai berwarna agak gosong.
  6. Keluarkan dari oven lalu dinginkan pada suhu ruang. Cheesecake akan turun permukaannya. Lalu simpan dulu di kulkas semalam.
  7. Keluarkan dari kulkas lalu siap disantap. Yummmm, bisa diangetin dulu si microwave atau dimakan langsung dingin2 dari kulkas.

Inspired by La Viña's Basque cheesecake, we are opening for pre-orders for this decadent dessert. Basque burnt cheesecakes are well known to be the easiest cheesecake to make. The famous burnt basque cheesecake has that "don't-eat-burnt-parts-as-they-give-you-cancer" taste from its overbaked caramelized exterior, coupled with the soft creamy texture. Basque Burnt Cheesecake is perfect if you want to make a cheesecake but you don't want to fuss over it. This cheesecake is fluffy, light and airy.