Cara mengolah Cinnamon roll/chocolate roll nikmat

Cinnamon roll/chocolate roll. I rolled big chocolate chunks right into the rolls and the result was piecesmelted chocolate between each layerthe cinnamon rolls. Spread the butter over the dough. sprinkle the cinnamon mixture. Roll the dough from the long end, be sure to roll tightly.

Cinnamon roll/chocolate roll Once you bite into these delicious chocolate cinnamon rolls, you will be shocked to know they are so easy to make. If you are still craving chocolate after you try this cinnamon roll recipe, check out my sinfully delicious chocolate cheesecake recipe. Single Serving Cinnamon Roll. by Chocolate Covered Katie. Kamu dapat membuat Cinnamon roll/chocolate roll menggunakan 17 bahan dengan 7 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara merealisasikannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang harus disediakan untuk membuat Cinnamon roll/chocolate roll

  1. Sediakan 300 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi.
  2. Dibutuhkan 2 btr telur kocok lepas.
  3. Sediakan 1 sachet susu bubuk.
  4. Dibutuhkan 5 sdm gula putih.
  5. Sediakan 5 sdm margarine.
  6. Dibutuhkan 150 ml air putih.
  7. Sediakan 1 sdt ragi instan.
  8. Sediakan Bahan isian.
  9. Sediakan Cinnamon powder/.
  10. Siapkan Chocolate powder/.
  11. Siapkan Kismis/.
  12. Sediakan Keju/.
  13. Siapkan Gula palm (isian bisa pake apa aja sesuai selera).
  14. Dibutuhkan Margarine.
  15. Dibutuhkan Bahan olesan.
  16. Sediakan 3 sdm margarine cair (oleskan sebelum panggang).
  17. Sediakan 1 sdm susu kental manis (oleskan sesudah keluar oven).

If desired, gently press the cinnamon roll down so it takes the shapeyour dish. Roll up evenly and cut them into equal sizes. Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls – Quick and easy Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls made with refrigerated dough, chocolate chips, and cinnamon. But, the beautythese Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls is that you don't have to do much work.

Urutan membuat Cinnamon roll/chocolate roll

  1. Aktifkan ragi caranya : larutkan ragi dengan air 150ml tambah gula putih (aduk rata sampai gula larut,air harus hangat kuku jgn panas karena ragi akan mati kena air panas) diamkan 5 mnit sampai berbuih *tandanya ragi aktif.
  2. Diwadah terpisah : campur tepung, susu bubuk, telur, aduk rata.. masukan air larutan ragi sedikit2 aduk rata sampai adonan kalis, setelah kalis tambah margarine uleni lagi sampai kalis elastis.
  3. Setelah kalis istirahatkan adonan 1 jam dgn ditutup cling wrap atau serbet,,.
  4. Setelah mengembang 2x lipat kempsikan adonan ulenin lgi sebentar,giling adonan dgn roling pin bentuk persegi *kira2 tebal adonan 1 cm atau sesuai selera*.
  5. Oles adonan dengan margarine kemudian taburi cinnamon powder+gula palm atau bisa dgn coklat bubuk atau kismis (sesuai selera) setelah itu gulung adonan seperti bolu gulung,,potong2 adonan kemudian susun di loyang olesi dgn margarine cair,,istirahatkan lgi adonan sekitar 15 mnit sambil nunggu oven panas,,.
  6. Panggang dgn suhu 180 derajat C pakai api atas bawah (susaikan dgn oven masing2) setelah keluar oven oles dgn susu kental manis,,.
  7. Roti siap disantap.

These are basic cinnamon rolls … basic yum … with vanilla icing. But you can also try these chocolate cinnamon rolls or pumpkin pecan cinnamon rolls if you like them jazzed up a bit. Sediakan the dough and let it rise per the recipe below before rolling it out. Caramel Apple Cinnamon Roll Lasagna is fun and delicious comboclassic caramel apple pie and yummy cinnamon rolls. This awesome fall treat is delicious dessert, but it is great idea for easy breakfast casserole, too.