Tutorial membuat Cinnamon Hot Chocolate gurih

Cinnamon Hot Chocolate. Hot chocolate and cinnamon were made to go together. The spicinessthe cinnamon and the depththe chocolate make for a warming and delicious drink, ideal in the depthscold weather or. The warm vervecinnamon and nutmeg scream "tis.

Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Everyone is happy when drinks are homemade. How to make Cinnamon Hot Chocolate. Top with whipped cream and dust with cocoa powder. Kamu dapat membuat Cinnamon Hot Chocolate menggunakan 4 bahan dengan 3 langkah mudah. Berikut cara merealisasikannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Cinnamon Hot Chocolate

  1. Dibutuhkan 2 sdm coklat bubuk (saya : bubuk coklat murni Kampung Coklat).
  2. Sediakan 5 sdm SKM putih.
  3. Siapkan 5 cm kayu manis.
  4. Siapkan 250 ml air bersih.

In a Blender or Food Processor, Combine Cut up chocolate, sugar And cinnamon. Cover And Blend or Process Until Mixture is Finely Ground. in a Large Pan, Combine The Ground chocolate Mixture And milk. The Best Cinnamon Hot Drinks Recipes on Yummly Simple Paleo Hot Chocolate, Hot Caramel And Vanilla Drink, Hot Chocolate.

instruksi membuat Cinnamon Hot Chocolate

  1. Panaskan air, masukkan bubuk coklat, aduk rata.
  2. Campurkan kayu manis dan SKM (cek rasa : jika kurang manis, tambahkan SKM), tunggu hingga mendidih.
  3. Sajikan👩🏻‍🍳 Selamat mencoba dan tetap di rumah saja🤗.

Mexican Sipping Chocolate is thicker than hot chocolate and is morea dessert than it is a drink–andcourse, it's Keto! Peppermint Hot Chocolate: Omit Cinnamon, Cayenne and Vanilla extract. Add chocolate and stir until melted. Season with cinnamon and pour into mugs. Cinnamon Hot Chocolate recipe: Try this Cinnamon Hot Chocolate recipe, or contribute your own.