Lachmacun – Turkish Pizza. Lahmacun is also known as Turkish Pizza (or Armenian Pizza). It brings a cracker thin crust together with a flavorful (and sometimes spicy) minced meat topping. Reviews for: PhotosLahmacun Turkish Pizza.
Pizza with a twist, topped with a creamy. Culinary purists argue that lahmacun is not exactly pizza in the truest sensethe word; for the rest. Lahmacun is considered a Turkish street food. Kamu dapat membuat Lachmacun – Turkish Pizza menggunakan 21 bahan dengan 10 langkah simpel. Berikut cara bikinnya.
Bahan-bahan yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Lachmacun – Turkish Pizza
- Sediakan Dough :.
- Dibutuhkan 350 Gram Cakra.
- Dibutuhkan 200 ml Air hangat.
- Sediakan 2 sdm Olive Oil.
- Siapkan 1 sdm Gula.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdt Yeast.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt Garam.
- Sediakan Topping / Filling:.
- Sediakan 350 gram Ground Beef.
- Siapkan 200 gram Tomat matang.
- Sediakan 200 gram onion.
- Dibutuhkan 4 siung Bawang Putih.
- Siapkan 4 batang Italian Parsley.
- Siapkan 1 sdt Black Pepper ground.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdt Garam.
- Sediakan Salad :.
- Dibutuhkan Salad Kubis Ungu.
- Dibutuhkan Jalapeño.
- Sediakan Tomat.
- Sediakan Sliced Red Onion.
- Dibutuhkan Garlic Sauce Mayo.
If you are short on time, you can pass on making the dough yourself by substituting it with a packagefresh, ready-made pizza dough. This spicy, crispy Turkish Pizza, called 'Lahmacun' is a famous Turkish street food that can be made at home easily. Learn a simple, easy, and healthy way to make delicious homemade pizza from scratch in less than an hour. Very thin dough and tasty paste-salsa covering cooked in brick oven , crusty , unique.
Langkah-langkah membuat Lachmacun – Turkish Pizza
- Topping : Siapkan Bahan. Parut Tomat dan Bawang Bombay (sy blender).
- Cincang halus bawang putih, beri garam, merica, aduk rata – siaihkan di kulkas.
- Dough : taruh yeast dan gula ditengah tepung, garam disisi terpisah, beri Air hangat diatas yeast dan gula, biarkan 5 menit.
- Uleni hingga rata, biarkan 20-30 menit, beri Olive Oil, Uleni 5 menit’an hingga halus, tutup wrap 1 jam an…
- Setelah 1 jam, Panaskan Oven max. Taruh Tray tebal didalamnya agar panas. Bagi adonan menjadi 6, atau bagi lagi sesuai selera, Bulatkan. Tipiskan seperti membuat Pita..
- Sy taruh diatas Pan Pizza terbalik yg ditaburi terigu tipis agar mudah memindahnya di Tray Oven. Isi dengan 2-3 Sdm Topping, sebarkan tipis sambil ditekan…
- Oven grill 7-10 menit…
- Atau taruh di Pan diatas kompor dengan api kecil, tutup agar daging matang.. Beri Salad dan dressing atau Mayo Garlic diatasnya,..Gulung…
- Potongan kecil bisa digulung untuk Snack..????.
- Et Voila,.. ????????????.
Lahmacun (also lahmajun and other spellings) is a round, thin piecedough topped with minced meat (most commonly beef or lamb), minced vegetables and herbs including onions, tomatoes and parsley. I hope thoseyou who celebrate Thanksgiving had a nice one this past week. But the real starthe show was Nichole's Turkish pizza or lahmacun. This is a wonderful pizza style dish inspired by the Turkish pide and lahmacun. I am led to believe from my Turkish friends that you place your salad on topthe pide/lahmacun then roll it up.