Tutorial membuat Tuna and Cheese Quesadilla sedap

Tuna and Cheese Quesadilla. Toasted tacos with tuna, cheese, potato, jalapeños and coriander. This Mexican inspired dish is easy to make from everyday ingredients you can keep in the. Lightly grease a non stick skillet, add the quesadillas, one at a time and cook until lightly browned.

Tuna and Cheese Quesadilla This Mexican inspired dish is easy to make from everyday ingredients… Try this Cheese Quesadillas with Tuna recipe, or contribute your own. The classic tuna melt gets a delicious makeover! Charlie's® Tuna Melt Quesadilla recipe is everything you'd want from this comforting classic. Kamu dapat membuat Tuna and Cheese Quesadilla menggunakan 6 bahan dengan 2 langkah mudah. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Tuna and Cheese Quesadilla

  1. Sediakan 2 lembar tortilla ukuran besar.
  2. Dibutuhkan secukupnya butter/margarine.
  3. Sediakan secukupnya keju (pakai yg jenis mudah meleleh).
  4. Dibutuhkan 1 kaleng kecil tuna in brine.
  5. Siapkan 1 buah pickle jalapeño (optional).
  6. Siapkan secukupnya saus sambal.

Toasted tacos with tuna, cheese, potato, jalapenos and coriander. This Mexican inspired tuna and cheese quesadilla dish is easy to make from everyday ingredients. This is a delicious quesadilla recipe dengan ingredients like low-fat sour cream, refried black beans, and whole-wheat tortillas. Now you need to turn the tortilla over.

instruksi membuat Tuna and Cheese Quesadilla

  1. Olesi salah satu sisi tortilla dengan butter (untuk sisi yg diluar). Taburi salah 1 tortilla dengan keju, lalu susun tuna, jalapeño (re: halapenyo), saus sambal, keju lagi dan tutup dengan tortilla. Panggang di atas teflon / griller hingga renyah dan keju lumer..
  2. Potong-potong dan sajikan ????.

Carefully slide it onto a larger plate. Put another plate on top and gently turn the plates over. The Best Fish Quesadilla Recipes on Yummly Cheesy Quesadilla Dog, Nicole's Quesadilla Burgers, Chicken And Chipotle Chili Quesadilla. This Cheese-Crusted Quesadilla from Delish.com is a super-quick weeknight meal (or late-night snack!).