Cara membuat Blueberry cheesecake gurih

Blueberry cheesecake. This is my favorite blueberry cheesecake recipe, which I often make for family get-togethers. —Cathy Medley, Clyde, Ohio. Place frozen blueberries on topcake. Melt jelly and spoon over blueberries to glaze.

Blueberry cheesecake Swirl a fresh blueberry puree into the filling and over the finished cheesecake for a double shotdelicious berry flavor. Blueberry Cheesecake Bars for the weekend! Blueberries and cheesecake are a match made in heaven. Kamu dapat membuat Blueberry cheesecake menggunakan 13 bahan dengan 6 langkah mudah. Berikut cara membuatnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang harus disiapkan untuk membuat Blueberry cheesecake

  1. Siapkan ⚘ Bahan crust :.
  2. Dibutuhkan 100 gr biskuit tanpa cream (saya pakai oreo), hancurkan.
  3. Siapkan 15 gr gula pasir.
  4. Dibutuhkan 70 gr mentega/margarin, lelehkan.
  5. Dibutuhkan ⚘ Bahan chessecake filling.
  6. Siapkan 450 gr cream cheese, suhu ruang.
  7. Sediakan 135 gr gula pasir.
  8. Siapkan 2 butir telur.
  9. Dibutuhkan 1 sdt vanilla essence.
  10. Siapkan 110 gr sour cream / greek yoghurt / plain yoghurt.
  11. Sediakan Sejumput garam.
  12. Dibutuhkan ⚘ Topping.
  13. Sediakan Selai blueberry.

I love making them in bar form – though less impressive looking than a towering cake, it's. This crowd-pleasing Blueberry Cheesecake Bar features juicy blueberries on a graham cracker Set the bar higher with Blueberry Cheesecake Bars! I'm a huge cheesecake fan and this is the best cheesecake recipe I've tried. The texture is amazingly smooth and the semi-tart blueberry topping is a perfect match!

instruksi membuat Blueberry cheesecake

  1. Panaskan oven 180 dercel..
  2. Crust: campurkan semua bahan, masukkan ke dalam loyang bongkar pasang. Ratakan sambil ditekan-tekan agar padat. Panggang selama 6- 8 menit. Setelah matang keluarkan dari oven, sisihkan. Turunkan suhu oven menjadi 150 dercel..
  3. Cheesecake filling : ⚘ Mixer cream cheese dengan kecepatan rendah sampai halus dan creamy. ⚘ Tambahkan gula pasir dan garam. Aduk sampai rata. ⚘ Masukkan telur satu per satu. ⚘ Tambahkan vanilla essence dan sour cream/yoghurt, mix sampai adonan rata dan halus..
  4. Tuang cheesecake filling di atas biskuit crust..
  5. Panggang selama 1 jam sampai cheseecake set, bagian tengah cheesecake agak sedikit basah, keluarkan dari oven dan dinginkan..
  6. Tambahkan topping selai blueberry, masukkan ke dalam kulkas.. sajikan dingin lebih enak..

It's simple to make and difficult to. You have two delicious dessert, lemon blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting and delicious blueberry cheesecake, packed in one amazing treat. Creamy Blueberry Swirl Cheesecake recipe with a buttery, thick graham cracker crust. Guests will be begging for seconds! No-bake blueberry cheesecake recipe. easy to make, delicate and delicious cake that you must try!