Thumbprint. Thumbprint makes it painless to organize, create, distribute, and measure your brand at speed and scale. The future of your brand is here. In radiology, the thumbprint sign, or thumbprinting, is a radiologic sign found on a radiograph that suggests the diagnosis of either epiglottitis or intestinal ischemia.
A thumbprint is a method of consuming a massive amount of lsd, where a massive (relatively, compared to a blotter dose) amount of lsd crystals are made into a small pile, pressed on with a. This article has been moved to our Community: How to find certificates by thumbprint or name with powershell. Thumbprint definition is – an impression made by the thumb; especially : a print made by the inside of the first joint. Kamu dapat membuat Thumbprint menggunakan 13 bahan dengan 4 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.
Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Thumbprint
- Siapkan 600 gr terigu protein sedang.
- Dibutuhkan 4 btr kuning telur.
- Dibutuhkan 160 gr gula halus.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk.
- Sediakan 200 gr margarine.
- Dibutuhkan 200 gr butter.
- Dibutuhkan 50 gr susu bubuk.
- Siapkan Topping.
- Siapkan Secukupnya selai strawberry.
- Sediakan Secukupnya selai melon.
- Sediakan Bahan baluran.
- Siapkan 2 btr putih telur.
- Sediakan Secukupnya keju cheddar parut.
Examples of thumbprint in a Sentence. He left a dirty thumbprint on the page. Thumbprint definition: A thumbprint is a mark made by a person's thumb which shows the pattern of lines on its. Let's say you know the thumbprint of a certificate and want to see if it's installed.
instruksi membuat Thumbprint
- Kocok margarine, butter, vanilli, gula halus hingga lembut. Masukan telur satu persatu, kocok hingga rata saja. Matikan mixer, masukan terigu dan susu bubuk aduk hingga rata dan dapat dipulung.
- Bulatkan adonan, celup kedalam putih telur dan balur pada keju parut..
- Taruh dalam loyang yg sudah dioles mentega atau dilapisi baking paper. Tekan dengan jempol sehingga berlubang, lalu isi dengan selai..
- Panggang adonan dengan suhu 150 derajat hingga matang sekitar 25 menit. (Saya 20 menit api bawah, 3 menit api atas) sesuaikan oven masing2. Angkat, tunggu hingga dingin. Taruh dalam wadah kedap udara. Siap disajikan..
You can go through and check the properties of each certificate, but it's kind of a pain. You can do it much easier from. ⬇ Download thumb print – stock pictures and vector in the best photography agency ✔ reasonable prices ✔ millions of high quality and royalty-free stock photos and images. Define thumbprint. thumbprint synonyms, thumbprint pronunciation, thumbprint translation, English dictionary definition of thumbprint. n. A print made by the thumb, especially by the pad of. A thumbprint is a mark made by a person's thumb which shows the pattern … Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.