Kiat-kiat membuat Coffee Banana Smoothie (Mixed with Chocolate Peanut Butter) legit

Coffee Banana Smoothie (Mixed with Chocolate Peanut Butter). This chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie is easy to prepare & SO delicious! This best peanut butter banana smoothie is also easy to take on the go, which means you get to set your alarm clock that much later in the morning. Andcourse you absolutely can add cocoa powder if you want to make it a chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie!

Coffee Banana Smoothie (Mixed with Chocolate Peanut Butter) We kept this peanut butter and banana smoothie recipe simple with It's just something about the sweet flavorbananas mixed with the salty flavorpeanut butter. Since the combinationbananas and peanut butter in a smoothie intrigued me I decided to give this a try. I LOVE peanut butter and could eat it by the spoonfuls.(too bad they don't make a fabulous fat free version). Kamu dapat membuat Coffee Banana Smoothie (Mixed with Chocolate Peanut Butter) menggunakan 7 bahan dengan 1 langkah mudah. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.

Bahan-bahan yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Coffee Banana Smoothie (Mixed with Chocolate Peanut Butter)

  1. Dibutuhkan 3-4 buah Pisang raja matang (420 g dg kulit/tergantung besarnya).
  2. Sediakan (Atau bisa digunakan pisang ambon atau lainnya sesuai selera).
  3. Dibutuhkan 100 ml Air kopi hitam tanpa gula & residu.
  4. Siapkan 180 ml Susu cair plain/vanila.
  5. Siapkan 1.5 sdm Chocolate peanut butter (Morin).
  6. Siapkan 1 sdt Gula pasir/gula aren (optional).
  7. Siapkan Sejumput Garam (optional).

Here's what you need: coffee, peanut butter, whole milk, chocolate syrup, ripe banana, whipped cream. Add the coffee ice cubes, peanut butter, milk, chocolate syrup, and banana to a blender. This Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie has an ice-cream-like texture, while being dairy-free and naturally sweetened. I have heard that milk does cancel-out the benefits in coffee, so I imagine that it may have some effect on the benefitscocoa as well.

instruksi membuat Coffee Banana Smoothie (Mixed with Chocolate Peanut Butter)

  1. Semua bahan diblender hingga halus dan disajikan. Pas dinikmati saat sarapan..

Place the bananas in a blender along with the cocoa powder, maple syrup, and peanut butter. Cashew It: For children or adults who are also allergic to peanut butter, or just to change it up, replace the peanut butter with cashew butter, almond butter, or another nut. Looks like summer is here and I am certainly ready! I started off my day with a refreshing shake that contains my morning coffee, protein This smoothie is a hit with everyone who makes it! To build a perfect smoothie, you want it to be nutrient dense, creamy, and not super thin.