Cara memasak Croque Monsieur gurih

Croque Monsieur. Croque Monsieur vs Croque Madame – Bruno Albouze – THE REAL DEAL. Croque Monsieur – Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwich with Michael's Home Cooking. This is the realmsnacks like tartines and rillettes, salads and savory tarts, and onemost deliciousall: the croque-monsieur (literally.

Croque Monsieur Baked ham and cheese with velvety béchamel oozing out all over the place: mind-altering. But have you heard about the delicious sandwich, the croque monsieur? The croque-monsieur is a classic French grilled cheese sandwich that's a mainstayParisian Combining a creamy béchamel sauce with nutty Gruyère cheese, the croque-monsieur is grilled. Kamu dapat membuat Croque Monsieur menggunakan 8 bahan dengan 5 langkah mudah. Berikut cara membuatnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Croque Monsieur

  1. Siapkan 8 slices roti putih (atau bs diganti roti gandum).
  2. Dibutuhkan 4 slices besar daging ham.
  3. Sediakan 2 telor ayam.
  4. Sediakan 2 sendok makan Mentega.
  5. Sediakan 100 ml susu cair (Tanpa rasa).
  6. Siapkan 4 sendok makan Keju serut (saya pakai keju Emental, tp pernah coba pakai Cheddar jg enak).
  7. Dibutuhkan secukupnya Garam dan lada hitam.
  8. Siapkan Kacang nutmeg (optional) serut sedikit.

Have you ever tried a Croque Monsieur? You may not even know what it is and in case you don't, it's a baked or fried boiled ham. If you could only make one dish, it arguably should be this amazingly gooey croque monsieur (that's a toasted ham and cheese sandwich). The famous French croque monsieur and Croque madame story.

Langkah-langkah membuat Croque Monsieur

  1. Untuk 1 pasang roti, Oles 1 sisi roti dengan mentega, lalu tambah daging ham. Tumpuk roti.
  2. Haduk rata 2 telur ayam, lalu masukan keju serut, susu cair, sedikit garam dan lada (sesuai selera) dan nutmeg yg di serut.
  3. Pre-heat oven di suhu 180 derajat celsius. Oleskan di atas satu sisi roti tumpuk yg sudah disiapkan. Karena saya suka keju, biasanya saya tambah lg kejunya diatas roti sblm dipanggang..
  4. Setelah oven panas dengan suhu 180 derajat Celsius. Masukan roti dan panggang selama 25 menit (atau tambah 3-5 menit jika suka bagian keju atas nya krispy :).
  5. Sajikan saat hangat dengan ditambah salad sebagai makanan sampingan. Selamat menikmati ☺.

The croque monsieur (French pronunciation: [kʁɔk məsˈjøː]; French for "gentleman crunch") is a baked or fried boiled ham and cheese sandwich. Croque Monsieur makes a delicious toasted ham and cheese sandwich, that is topped with a bechamel sauce and even more cheese and then broiled to perfection. Brush both sidesthe bread with melted butter and pop them in the oven to toast on both sides, you will most likely have to flip them half way through. Croque Monsieur (Croque Madame) with Poached Eggs. It doesn't get much better than this croque monsieur recipe: layersgood, toasty bread, creamy béchamel, smoky ham and nutty.