Kiat-kiat memasak Crab and asparagus soup enak

Crab and asparagus soup. I get rave reviews from family and friends whenever I make this soup, but the biggest compliment was when my son called to ask for the recipe so he could make it for his roommates. Creamy soup with crab, potatoes, and asparagus. I made this on a whim one Sunday when crabmeat was on sale at the store.

Crab and asparagus soup Vietnamese Crab & Asparagus soup is an elegant dish, which is why it's served only on special occasions. The broth is thick and clear, and the ingredients are plain in color. White asparagus, egg whites, white pepper and crab meat are traditionally used to elevate the elegance. Kamu dapat membuat Crab and asparagus soup menggunakan 15 bahan dengan 13 langkah mudah. Berikut cara membuatnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Crab and asparagus soup

  1. Dibutuhkan 100 gr Chicken breast.
  2. Dibutuhkan 50 gr Smoked beef.
  3. Dibutuhkan 1 tin Crab.
  4. Siapkan 2 pcs Telur ayam.
  5. Dibutuhkan Vegetables.
  6. Siapkan 100 gr Asparagus.
  7. Dibutuhkan 75 gr Sweet corn.
  8. Siapkan Food seasoning.
  9. Siapkan 0.5 sdt Msg.
  10. Dibutuhkan 0.5 sdt Salt.
  11. Sediakan 0.5 sdt Pepper.
  12. Sediakan 1 sdm Sesame oil.
  13. Sediakan Others.
  14. Siapkan 500 cc Kaldu ayam.
  15. Sediakan 4 sdm Tepung maizena.

This Crab & Asparagus Soup adapts a Chinese-style egg-drop technique, swirling mild broth with wispsegg. If you have never tried white asparagus, I hope you will take advantagethis recipe to try it out. Crab and Asparagus Soup recipe: This lovely soup is a French colonial creation that showcases asparagus in a standard Chinese-style egg-flower soup. The original version was made with canned asparagus, but you can enjoy the vivid green color and flavorfresh asparagus, known in Vietnam.

Urutan membuat Crab and asparagus soup

  1. Preparing kaldu ayam: Rebus 3 tulang ayam ke dalam 3 liter air.
  2. Preparing kaldu ayam: Buang air rebusan dan cuci bersih tulang ayam.
  3. Preparing kaldu ayam: Rebus 3 tulang ayam ke dalam 3 liter air dan tambahkan irisan jahe (1 ruas) dan bawang putih geprek (4 sium).
  4. Preparing kaldu ayam: Panaskan kaldu ayam selama 1-2 jam dan kemudian saring.
  5. Preparing food seasoning: campurkan sesame oil (1 sdm), msg (0.5 sdt), pepper (0.5 sdt), salt (0.5 sdt).
  6. Potong tipis daging ayam, aduk dengan seasoning, dan kemudian rebus ayam sampai daging ayam terlihat putih.
  7. Potong kecil asparagus dan kemudian rebus sekitar 1-2 menit.
  8. Pecahkan telur dan ambil hanya putih telur.
  9. Siapkan tepung maizena (4 sdm) dan cairkan.
  10. Masukkan putih telur perlahan ke dalam kaldu ayam.
  11. Masukkan maizena yang sudah dicairkan perlahan ke dalam kaldu ayam.
  12. Masukkan corn, crab, dan asparagus ke dalam kaldu ayam.
  13. Angkat dan hidangkan.

Mix asparagus liquid, broth, undrained mushrooms, and onion. Slowly blend cold water into cornstarch. DIRECTIONS Add asparagus, crab and onions. Reduce heat to medium low, add soup, broth and water. Vietnamese crab asparagus soup is light and delicate with natural sweetness from crab meat and asparagus.