Red Bean Pops (Kiddos Snack). This listhealthy packaged snacks for kids (and adults too!) is meant to provide inspiration for busy parents who are looking for Homemade snacks are great but there are also some good store-bought snacks available! Half Pops – A crunchier way to eat popcorn. Better for older kids and adults.
See more ideas about Snacks, Kids snacks, Food. Looking for some creative snacks for kids? You have come at right place! Kamu dapat membuat Red Bean Pops (Kiddos Snack) menggunakan 4 bahan dengan 5 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara merealisasikannya.
Bahan-bahan yang harus disiapkan untuk membuat Red Bean Pops (Kiddos Snack)
- Dibutuhkan 150 gr kacang merah.
- Siapkan Roti Marie (saya skip).
- Sediakan SKM Coklat (saya : 2 sdm SKM putih + 2 sdt gula pasir).
- Sediakan Meses untuk toping (saya : cereal froot loops yg di chooper, meses, dcc coklat dan pink).
Yogurt pops even kids can make! Adzuki beans—also known as azuki or Asian red beans—are frequently used in desserts across Asia, in countries like China, Japan, and Korea. Special equipment: You will need freezer pop molds for this recipe. If yours don't come with sticks that attach securely, you can buy wooden sticks and insert.
instruksi membuat Red Bean Pops (Kiddos Snack)
- Cuci bersih kacang. Tiriskan. Rebus dengan metode 15.30.7 (biasanya kan 5.30.7 untuk kacang kali ini saya bikin 15.30.7). Setelah matang tiriskan..
- Haluskan kacang merah, SKM dan gula pasir dengan food processor hingga lumat dan tercampur rata (tes rasa..kalau kurang manis bisa ditambahkan gulanya, saya bikin gak terlalu manis2 banget karena topingnya manis). Bisa juga dihaluskan pakai ulegan.
- Siapkan tusuk gigi/tusukan sate yg dipotong jadi 3. Ambil kacang merah per 1 sdt, kemudian bulat2kan dan tusuk dg tusuk gigi/tusuk sate. Padatkan.
- Balur2kan ke meses, ke froot loops yg udah di tumbuk, di celup ke dcc yg sudah dilelehkan dan bisa juga di celup ke skippy. Tinggal dipilih aja moms..sesuaikan dg selera dan bahan????. Setelah itu diamkan di freezer selama 15 menit.
- Voila! Jadi deh..Enjoyyyy..ur snackin' time with kiddos❤???????? happy weekend ya!.
Kids can help make these cool treats that are a healthier alternative to sugary store-bought pops. These genius new snacking lupini beans are rich in protein and fiber, and they're also super low-calorie. With fun, individually packed satchels and even more fun flavors to choose from, we think these beans will quickly become. These red bean Popsicles are super creamy with bitschewy beans inside. Only three ingredients are required—they're very easy to make.