Tutorial mengolah Peanut Butter Homemade nikmat

Peanut Butter Homemade. Check Our Step-By-Step Guide To Bake Up A Sweet Treat For Your Loved Ones. Homemade peanut butter will still be a little more gritty than Skippy peanut butter, but should be spreadable at this point. Taste and add more salt or other add-ins to taste.

Peanut Butter Homemade Add honey; process just until blended. Make only the amountpeanut butter that you can reasonably use during this time period. Freeze the peanut butter in a freezer-safe storage container for six months or longer. Kamu dapat membuat Peanut Butter Homemade menggunakan 4 bahan dengan 6 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mengerjakannya.

Bahan-bahan yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Peanut Butter Homemade

  1. Siapkan 250 gr kacang tanah.
  2. Sediakan 3-5 sdm Minyak sayur atau.
  3. Dibutuhkan 3-5 sdm Clarified Butter/ Blueband (me: Blueband).
  4. Dibutuhkan 1 sdm Gula (optional).

Thaw the peanut butter completely in the refrigerator before use. Stir the peanut butter thoroughly before each use. Once you make peanut butter at home, it will be very difficult to get excited about store-bought peanut butter ever again. Not that eating peanut butterany kind would ever be a chore because I love it so much, but homemade peanut butter is a delicacy.

Urutan membuat Peanut Butter Homemade

  1. Bersihkan Kacang, Cuci, saring, sangrai hingga matang kurleb 20 menit – atau Roasting di Oven 150 dercel selama 30 menit.
  2. Pisahkan kulit luar kacang. Buang kulitnya..
  3. Bila tdk ada Minyak Sayur / Canola, buat Clarify Butter/ mentega. Cair Kan Butter hingga bening nya tampak, pakai bagian beningnya saja..
  4. Blender kacang, tambahkan Gula, bila pakai Butter Beri sejumput Garam, bila pakai Mentega tidak usah. Setelah agak Halus, Masukkan Minyak / CB.
  5. Blender hingga didapatkan kekentalan PB yg diinginkan. Minyak/CB Jangan lebih dr 5 sdm (saya pakai 3 sdm mentega cair). Kalau pakai Food Processor hasilnya lebih Halus..
  6. Peanut Batter siap dipakai untuk membuat Kue. Sebelumnya saya simpan dikulkas karena belum mau dipakai..

And a nearly effortless delicacy at that. Pour the peanut oil into the bowla food processor. As the blade is spinning, gradually add the peanuts. I buy peanut butter all the time, we go through tonsthe stuff in my house, but this homemade version is still something special. And when you make your own stuff, that yes, you can easily buy, there's an extra sensepride about it.