Cara mengolah Korean garlic cheese bread anti gagal legit

Korean garlic cheese bread anti gagal. It looks so good that I knew I had to recreate it the I decided to make the bread from scratch insteadgetting off shelves so it could look as authentic as how the Koreans are selling. Today I am making an easy recipe for a popular Korean street food trend. This Korean cream cheese garlic bread is so good and easy to make at home.

Korean garlic cheese bread anti gagal This Garlic Cheesy Bread is so quick to make, has tonsflavor, and is so delicious! I used some garlic-herb cheese is this bread. I found it in the cheese section located in the produce departmentmy store. Kamu dapat membuat Korean garlic cheese bread anti gagal menggunakan 15 bahan dengan 3 langkah mudah. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.

Bahan-bahan yang harus disediakan untuk membuat Korean garlic cheese bread anti gagal

  1. Siapkan A. BAHAN ROTI : *Optional bisa beli roti jadi.
  2. Siapkan 350 gr terigu protein tinggi.
  3. Siapkan 150 gr terigu protein sedang.
  4. Siapkan 11 gr atau 1 sachet fermipan.
  5. Dibutuhkan 2 telur utuh.
  6. Dibutuhkan 300 ml susu cair.
  7. Sediakan 100 gr mentega atau butter me. mentega.
  8. Dibutuhkan B. BAHAN CELUPAN :.
  9. Dibutuhkan 130 gr butter lelehkan.
  10. Dibutuhkan 4 siuang bawang putih cincang.
  11. Dibutuhkan 1 butir telur 1 sdm parsley kering.
  12. Siapkan Garam sedikit aja.
  13. Siapkan C. BAHAN ISIAN CHEESE.
  14. Sediakan 1 sdm gula pasir 50 gr whipe cream.
  15. Dibutuhkan 75 ml susu full cream.

They have so many types and flavorscheese now that is was. Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe – The perfect way to transform a simple baguette from ordinary to extraordinary without much effort! I used to love eating "cheap grocery store garlic French bread." You know, the kind that is slathered in bright yellow margarine, overly seasoned with garlic salt, and. This moist no yeast bread is a quick bread that is fast to prepare, with swirlsherb and pocketscheese, with added flavourgarlic!

instruksi membuat Korean garlic cheese bread anti gagal

  1. Bahan A campurkan semua bahan mentega, mixer speed rendah jika sudah tercampur mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi, masukkan mentega dan mixer kurleb 5 menit sampai adonan Kalis. Sisihkan tutup dengan plastik wrap atau lap bersih biarkan mengembang 2x lipat Jika sudah mengembang kempiskan lalu bagi adonan timbang me 70 gr bulatkan, biarkan mengembang lagi. Jika sudah mengembang masukkan ke oven yang sudah di panaskan sebelumnya suhu 150 cc selama 30 menit atau sesuai masing2 oven. Dinginkan…
  2. Bahan B : campurkan kocok jadi 1 semua bahan.
  3. Masukkan oven suhu 150cc selama 1 menit atau sesuai kematangan masing2 oven ya… Harus cobain resep ini….layak jual sih menurut eke… Tapi u know loah emak repot abis ama kerjaan kantor so buat yg mau nyobain mudah2 sukses ya…. Love u all…. Make bake with love mcuahhhh…..

I like to wedge chunkscheese in the batter so you get lovely pocketscheese and the lovely textured crust on top. But you could just mix it through – even faster. Cut the loafbread in half. Brush the garlic butter over each half, making sure it's evenly distributed. Try this delicious Garlic Cheesy Bread alongside pizza or pasta!