Tutorial memasak Easy Smoothies with Tofu Yoghurt & Cherry Sauce gurih

Easy Smoothies with Tofu Yoghurt & Cherry Sauce. This easy fruit smoothie with yogurt recipe calls for just three ingredients–yogurt, fruit juice and whatever Much better if you use tofu insteadyogurt and add some almond or pecans! Fruit & Yogurt Smoothie. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. The Best Silken Tofu Smoothie Recipes on Yummly

Easy Smoothies with Tofu Yoghurt & Cherry Sauce I love tofu but I never tried tofu yogurt. Check out our easy tofu recipes, from simple tofu stir fry to tofu curry. We've got miso soup and ramen recipes for Make our quick and easy vegan smoothie with fresh strawberries, bananas and tofu This recipe for glazed tofu with pickled veg is easy to make, vegetarian and ready in under an hour. Kamu dapat membuat Easy Smoothies with Tofu Yoghurt & Cherry Sauce menggunakan 12 bahan dengan 6 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mengerjakannya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Easy Smoothies with Tofu Yoghurt & Cherry Sauce

  1. Sediakan Yoghurt Tahu (PLAIN) tidak manis:.
  2. Sediakan 200 gram Tahu putih.
  3. Sediakan 3 sdm air jeruk lemon lokal/import.
  4. Sediakan 1 es batu (dari 3/4 gelas belimbing air dibekukan).
  5. Sediakan Buah segar:.
  6. Siapkan 1 buah pisang.
  7. Siapkan 1 potong melon (100gram).
  8. Siapkan Saus Ceri:.
  9. Siapkan 7 buah manisan ceri.
  10. Siapkan 2 sdm gula pasir/madu.
  11. Sediakan 2 sdm air perasan lemon.
  12. Siapkan 1/4 gelas belimbing air.

Most smoothies use either yogurt or juice and ice as a base to make it creamy. You don't have to choose one or the other though. High in protein, low in cost, and easy to work with, tofu has endeared itself to eaters across the globe. But with the dizzying arraytofu types out there, it's worth learning your soft silkens from your medium blocks.

instruksi membuat Easy Smoothies with Tofu Yoghurt & Cherry Sauce

  1. Membuat saus ceri: blender halus manisan ceri dengan gula pasir dan air. Pindahkan blenderan ceri ke wajan kecil..
  2. Panaskan wajan, biarkan bahan saus ceri mendidih dan menguap. Setelah saus mengental, masukkan air jeruk lemon, lalu aduk rata. Matikan api dan dinginkan saus ceri. (Saus kental tapi masih ringan untuk dituang).
  3. Membuat Yoghurt tahu: Rebus tahu dalam air mendidih selama 5 – 10 menit, lalu tiriskan dan dinginkan tahu..
  4. Membuat yoghut tahu dan buah segar: Masukkan ke dalam blender, bahan yoghurt tabu dan buahnya. Blender tahu, air jeruk lemon, potongan pisang, potongan melon dan pecahan es batu. Blender sampai semua bahan lembut..
  5. Pindahkan Yoghurt tahu ke wadah saji, lalu tuangkan 1 sendok makan saus ceri diatasnya..
  6. Sajikan selagi dingin dan nikmati setelah yoghurt diaduk/dicampur dengan saus cheri..

Any kindyogurt can make a smoothie creamy, but if you're after a thick smoothie, opt for strained or Greek-style yogurt, which also boosts the protein level. Not only does silken tofu have a neutral flavor and smooth, creamy texture that works great in smoothies, but it's also a great vegan protein. Did you know tofu pairs well with fruit? Blend with honey, ice, and your favorite fruit for a healthy, morning smoothie. From easy, delicious recipes the whole family will love and inspiring DIYs to creative projects to keep kids learning, we're sharing our best advice and ideas to keep you busy at.