Cara memasak Mini Cherry Cheese Cake (with fillo dough) legit

Mini Cherry Cheese Cake (with fillo dough). These little cheesecakes make a fun dessert that's just right for cooks who don't have a lottime for fussy recipes. Give these a sweet-salty spin and use crushed pretzels insteadvanilla wafers. Replace the cherries with strawberries to celebrate.

Mini Cherry Cheese Cake (with fillo dough) I was gifted this recipe at my bridal shower (I'm not going. Easy and so good for holidays, weddings, or whatever the occasion! It is also good with other flavorsfruit pie filling. Kamu dapat membuat Mini Cherry Cheese Cake (with fillo dough) menggunakan 10 bahan dengan 5 langkah mudah. Berikut cara bikinnya.

Bahan-bahan yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Mini Cherry Cheese Cake (with fillo dough)

  1. Sediakan secukupnya fillo dough.
  2. Sediakan secukupnya minyak sayur.
  3. Dibutuhkan 🌸 isian:.
  4. Dibutuhkan 250 gr cream cheese.
  5. Sediakan 1 sdm air lemon.
  6. Dibutuhkan secukupnya lemon zest (parutan kulit luar lemon).
  7. Sediakan 4 sdm gula bubuk (selera).
  8. Sediakan 🌸 topping: (selera).
  9. Siapkan 12 sdt selai Cherry.
  10. Sediakan 12 blueberry.

Experiment with different toppings insteadcherry if you like. Beat cream cheese, sugar, eggs, lemon juice and vanilla until light and fluffy. Line regular sized muffin pans or cupcake tins with paper baking cups and place a vanilla wafer in the bottomeach cup. The flavorscherry cheesecake, but served in a sugar cookie cup.

instruksi membuat Mini Cherry Cheese Cake (with fillo dough)

  1. Oles tiap lembar fillo dough dengan minyak sayur menggunakan kuas kue. Lalu potong-potong segi empat, susun di cetakan muffin (oles minyak sayur juga) masing-masing 5 lembar. Panggang dengan suhu 180°C sekitar 20 menit (sampai crispy & golden brown).
  2. Campur cream cheese, gula bubuk, lemon zest dan air lemon sampai rata, bisa pakai Mixer / spatula saja..
  3. Masukan 1 sdm adonan cream cheese ke tiap cup fillo dough, berikan 1 sdt selai dan potongan buah sesuai selera. (Jadi 12)..
  4. Sajikan dingin, di simpan di kulkas 1 hari masih crispy.
  5. .

Unlike manymy favorite cheesecake recipes, these mini cheesecake cups are perfect for serving to a crowd. Make an indentation in the dough with your thumb or the backa teaspoon. Mini Cherry Almond Cheesecakes are a simple and delicious sweet treat for just about any occasion. So fun to make AND eat! And if we end up with a little sugar all over the counter, she licks her fingers and pretends she's eating a Fun Dip.