Cara mengolah Dark Cherry Cheese Pie nikmat

Dark Cherry Cheese Pie. A layersweetened cream cheese topped with a tart fruit filling makes this apple cherry cheese pie popular with family, friends and co-workers. Spread cream cheese mixture onto bottompastry. Add apple mixture; dot with butter.

Dark Cherry Cheese Pie This was very easy to make and very good and while it's not a "cheesecake" it's not bad for so few bahan dan being "no. We make this Cherry Cheese Pie every year for Thanksgiving. It has a creamy lemon filling on a homemade graham cracker crust topped with cherries. Kamu dapat membuat Dark Cherry Cheese Pie menggunakan 13 bahan dengan 9 langkah mudah. Berikut cara bikinnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang harus disediakan untuk membuat Dark Cherry Cheese Pie

  1. Sediakan 100 gram Mentega Tawar.
  2. Sediakan 1/4 sendok teh Garam.
  3. Siapkan 50 gram Gula Icing.
  4. Dibutuhkan 1 butir Telur Ayam.
  5. Siapkan 225 gram Tepung Terigu Protein Sedang.
  6. Dibutuhkan 1/2 sendok teh Baking Powder.
  7. Sediakan 250 gram Cream Cheese (Krim Keju).
  8. Siapkan 35 gram Gula Icing.
  9. Dibutuhkan 1 butir Telur Ayam.
  10. Dibutuhkan 1/2 sendok makan Tepung Maizena.
  11. Siapkan 1 bungkus Dark Cherry.
  12. Siapkan 50 gram Selai Aprikot.
  13. Siapkan 2 sendok makan Air.

Imagine Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof shimmying and singing "Tradition". For Cherry Cream Cheese Pie, you'll need: Cream cheese, lemon juice, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and a graham cracker crust. Ironically, Grandmama could never eat this pie when she used cherry because she is allergic to red food coloring. Place your softened cream cheese in a mixing.

Langkah-langkah membuat Dark Cherry Cheese Pie

  1. Mari membuat kulit pie dahulu. Kocok mentega, garam dan gula tepung 5 menit sampai lembut. Tambahkan telur. Kocok rata..
  2. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata sampai bergumpal dan licin. Bentuk bulat adonan dan diamkan 30 menit dalam lemari es..
  3. Giling tipis adonan. Bentuk bulat. Letakkan di cetakan pie diameter 22 cm tinggi 3 cm. Tusuk-tusuk dengan garpu..
  4. Oven 20 menit dengan api bawah suhu 170 derajat Celcius sampai setengah matang. Dinginkan..
  5. Sekarang mari membuat adonan cheese-nya. Kocok cream cheese dan gula tepung sampai lembut..
  6. Masukkan telur, kocok sampai lembut. Tambahkan tepung maizena sambil diayak dan diaduk rata..
  7. Tuang adonan cheese dalam kulit pie, oven 25 menit dengan api bawah suhu 160 derajat Celcius sampai setengah matang..
  8. Tata dark cherry di atasnya sambil sedikit ditekan ke dalam. Oven lagi 25 menit sampai matang. Dinginkan dalam lemari es..
  9. Untuk olesan, panaskan selai dan air asal larut. Oleskan di atas pie. Dinginkan..

It an easy Cherry Cheese Pie that the whole family loves, even my uncle who always hated desserts. This has always been onemy favorite summer pies and I swear it is literally the easiest pie in the world. I almost hate to post recipes like this because they are so simple that even if you've never made it before, once you have, you really never need the"recipe" again. Quiche with goat cheese and Homemade pies with jam and glassmilk on rustic wooden background. Homemade tart with cherry tomatoespuff pastry with raw tomatoes and thyme on dark wooden.