French fries Garlic simple but Yummy. Learn how to make garlic mayo french fries recipe at home and its garlic mayo sauce with very easy step by step recipe by Aliza In The Kitchen. For more easy and yummy recipes Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I tried both methods-deep fried finger chips/french fries and oven baked french fries.
When the oil's hot, start frying the potatoes in batches again, cooking until the fries are golden and crisp. Upgrade french fries with a creamy Lebanese garlic sauce and a sprinkling of fresh parsley. Everyone loves french fries, and we Lebanese are no exception! Kamu dapat membuat French fries Garlic simple but Yummy menggunakan 4 bahan dengan 11 langkah gampang. Berikut cara merealisasikannya.
Bahan-bahan yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat French fries Garlic simple but Yummy
- Siapkan 3 pcs Kentang bagus ukuran Besar.
- Dibutuhkan secukupnya Garam halus.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sendok teh Bawang putih halus.
- Dibutuhkan 2 btg Daun Seledri.
You'll find Batata Maqlieh, which translates to "fried potatoes," on any traditional Lebanese table. Try making delicious homemade french fries in the air fryer! They are super easy to put together and taste so YUMMY. Lower in fat than French fries, these red potato wedges are yummy with any meal!
Urutan membuat French fries Garlic simple but Yummy
- Didihkan air dipanci.
- Masukkan kentang yg sudah dipotong memanjang.
- Tambahkan garam secukupnya.
- Tambahkan bawang putih halus.
- Masukkan seledri.
- Tunggu sampai kentang matang.
- Dinginkan 10menit sebelum digoreng.
- Setelah dingin goreng kentang dengan seledri yg drebus bersamaan tadi..
- Angkat kalau rasanya sudah empuk. Kalau saya lebih suka tekstur kekuningan..
- Tiriskan dan tambahkan sedikit garam halus.kmudian aduk didlm wadah tertutup. Seledrinya dan garam akan menyatu ketika di shaking seperti td..
- Rasanya seperti chitato rebus ya. Aman buat anak yg males makan.karena aman dr pengawet,traditional but ngenyangin.???? Rasanya pun enak,gurih,manis.anakĀ² pasti suka. Pastikan pakai kentang segar ya buibu…
Serve the potatoes with the aioli for dipping. Easy Oven Fries Recipe – perfectly seasoned french fries, baked in the oven, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. These Turmeric Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Red Potatoes and Garlic Parsley Smashed Potatoes are the perfect example. Heat oil in wok and stir fry garlic until fragrant. Combine powder mixture and French fries in a covered container or small paper bag; shake until fries are well coated.