Langkah memasak Smoothies Guava Sweet legit

Smoothies Guava Sweet. A ripe guava will be soft and give under your fingers when you lightly squeeze it. You can also tell a guava is ripe by the aroma. You should be able to smell the fruit's musky, sweet scent.

Langkah memasak Smoothies Guava Sweet legit Loaded with tiny edible seeds at the centre, this round or oval shaped fruit comes in a light green in colour from outside and a white to pink flesh from inside along with a mild-sweet flavour and a unique fragrance. At first glance, it seemed a perfect fruit for a quirky smoothie, with traditional fruits to round out what had to be crazy, loopy flavor. And a dragon fruit smoothie with guava and strawberries sounded pretty divine. Kamu dapat membuat Smoothies Guava Sweet menggunakan 5 bahan dengan 4 langkah mudah. Berikut cara merealisasikannya.

Bahan-bahan yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Smoothies Guava Sweet

  1. Siapkan Jambu.
  2. Dibutuhkan Kurma.
  3. Siapkan Madu.
  4. Sediakan Air Mineral.
  5. Siapkan Es Batu (jika suka dingin).

Guava Smoothie is a very refreshing beverage with authentic Latin American flavor. Sweet tropical tastes will make it a crowd pleaser. Quick and easy to prepare and you can serve it anytime. Make sure to use a high quality blender that will easily pulverize the guava seeds.

instruksi membuat Smoothies Guava Sweet

  1. Siapakan semua bahan. Merk madu dan kurma, terserah seadanya dan sesuai selera..
  2. Blender jambu biji dengan air mineral, kemudian saring untuk dibuang bijinya..
  3. Kemudian jambu yang telah diblender dan dibuang bijinya, diblender lagi dengan dicampur kurma serta ditambah madu (jika suka dingin bisa ditambah es batu)..
  4. Selesai dan siap disajikan..

Guava seeds are an excellent sourceinsoluble fiber while apples are an excellent sourcesoluble fiber. Guava blends best with other tropical fruits like pineapple, coconut, mango, banana and citrus. Use mild-flavored, non-bitter greens like spinach and lettuce so that you don't overpower the delicate guava flavor. Guava are a delicious fruit whose juice has, on occasion, been referred to as 'the nectarthe gods.' Don't just get caught up on the juice–whole guava can be a sweet snack that will make you feel like you're in paradise even when you're sitting in your cubicle. Read this wikiHow to learn how to select, prepare, and eat guava.