Strawberry Sorbet (2 bahan). Cut strawberries in half and place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and freeze until hardened. Add the frozen strawberries and honey to a food processor and combine until evenly mixed. This mouthwatering summer sorbet is an adaptationone served at the River Café in London Yes, it calls for an entire lemon (rind and all), but trust us: the sweetthe strawberries and sugar, the tart and bitterthe lemon – it all works Strawberry Sorbet.
Sweetening the sorbet with preserves insteadsugar produces a smoother sorbet with a more complex berry flavor. Serve it plain or paired with a scooprich. The idea for this sorbet came to me while I was looking through the book "The Slanted Door Charles Phan Modern Vietnamese Food", which was given to me by a friend for my birthday. Kamu dapat membuat Strawberry Sorbet (2 bahan) menggunakan 2 bahan dengan 5 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mempersiapkannya.
Bahan-bahan yang perlu disiapkan untuk membuat Strawberry Sorbet (2 bahan)
- Dibutuhkan 450 gr Strawberi (saya pake strawberi yang beku).
- Dibutuhkan 1/4 cup Madu.
Charles Phan is a Vietnamese chef, who owns restaurants in San Francisco. Apabila strawberry susah didapatkan, kamu bisa memanfaatkan buah lokal yang ada sesuai dengan seleramu lho. Add an extra frozen banana or cupfruit for each additional serving. Make this strawberry sorbet easily without an ice cream maker!
Langkah-langkah membuat Strawberry Sorbet (2 bahan)
- Sediakan bahan-bahan utama..
- Potong-potong strawberi, lalu bekukan di freezer. Saya karena langsung pakai strawberi kemasan yang sudah beku, jadi langsung potong-potong..
- Masukkan ke food processor, tuangi madu dan proses sampai lembut. Saya hanya menggunakan blender karena tidak punya food processor, karena susah diblend, jadi saya tambahkan air sedikit saja..
- Setelah halus, tuang ke loaf pan atau wadah plastik kemudian masukkan ke freezer..
- Jika sudah beku, keluarkan, cetak menggunakan scoop ice cream. Strawberry Shorbet siap disantap..
This is a simple fat-free vegan sorbet recipe made with just four simple ingredients. You can make this vegan strawberry sorbet in your blender or food processor—you don't even need an ice cream maker. Pure vanilla extract makes this strawberry sorbet recipe special. Place strawberries and sugar into a food processor and pulse machine on and off until fruit is broken up. Add water and continue processing until you have a smooth puree.