Kiat-kiat mengolah Chia Pudding (3 bahan) legit

Chia Pudding (3 bahan). It's also meal-prep friendly which I Chia pudding on its own is fairly plain in the flavor department. But that's what makes it fun! Because you can really have some fun with the flavors.

Chia Pudding (3 bahan) You can use coconut milk, almond milk or my favorite cashew milk. Chia seeds and coconut milk marry for a Paleo-friendly pudding that works great for breakfast. Mix together the ingredients the night before. Kamu dapat membuat Chia Pudding (3 bahan) menggunakan 4 bahan dengan 2 langkah mudah. Berikut cara membuatnya.

Bumbu-bumbu yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Chia Pudding (3 bahan)

  1. Dibutuhkan 250 ml susu pasteurized.
  2. Dibutuhkan 4 sdm chia seed.
  3. Dibutuhkan 1 sdm madu.
  4. Sediakan Topping buah sesuai selera.

This chia pudding is delicious on its own—and even better when layered with maple yogurt as a parfait. Leftover maple yogurt can be repurposed Recipe Preparation. Blend dates, cashew milk, cashews, cocoa powder, vanilla, salt, and cinnamon in a blender on high speed until. Der Chia-Pudding hält bis zu einer Woche im Kühlschrank verschlossen aufbewahrt.

Urutan membuat Chia Pudding (3 bahan)

  1. Campur susu, madu, dan chia seed, aduk rata. Diamkan 15 menit, kemudian aduk kembali..
  2. Tuang digelas saji, simpan semalaman dalam kulkas. Sesaat sebelum dimakan, tambahkam buah favorit anda diatasnya.. saya biasanya strawberry atau mangga.. segeerrr????.

Als Gewürze passt alles, was schmeckt. Chia-Pudding ist ideal für eine sättigende nährstoffreiche Grundlage am Morgen oder Zwischendurch oder aber auch als Dessert eine gesunde Alternative. This coconut chia pudding is creamy and delicious! You'll love this healthy and easy recipe! Coconut Chia Pudding is healthy, delicious, and perfect for a filling breakfast or snack!