Kiat-kiat membuat Chicken Katsu with Lettuce Salad sedap

Chicken Katsu with Lettuce Salad. For the salad, pull a veg peeler down the lengththe cucumber and carrot to create ribbons. Mix with the lettuce, chilli sauce, lime juice and coriander. Spoon over the katsu sauce and beansprouts.

Chicken Katsu with Lettuce Salad Note: This salad is best if eaten the day after preparation. Butterfly chicken breasts, cover with plastic, and flatten with a meat tenderizer (mallet). Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sidesthe meat. Kamu dapat membuat Chicken Katsu with Lettuce Salad menggunakan 12 bahan dengan 7 langkah sederhana. Berikut cara mengerjakannya.

Bahan-bahan yang perlu disediakan untuk membuat Chicken Katsu with Lettuce Salad

  1. Siapkan Marinasi (min 2 jam).
  2. Sediakan 4 potong fillet ayam.
  3. Sediakan 3 siung bawang putih.
  4. Siapkan merica.
  5. Dibutuhkan garam.
  6. Sediakan Bahan celup.
  7. Dibutuhkan 10 sdm tepung terigu.
  8. Siapkan 1 kocokan telur.
  9. Dibutuhkan tepung panir.
  10. Siapkan Salad Dressing.
  11. Siapkan Lettuce.
  12. Dibutuhkan Thousands island dressing.

Iceberg Lettuce topped with a Deep Fried Chicken Cutlet with our Tangy Creamy Sauce served with a four piece CA Roll. Chicken Katsu with Rice Salad and Katsu Sauce. A healthier salad dengan a low-fat blue cheese dressing and a baked versionchicken katsu. A healthy Baked Chicken Katsu Salad recipe is healthier diet for everyday dinner..

instruksi membuat Chicken Katsu with Lettuce Salad

  1. Masukan ayam ke dalam wadah. Parut bawang putih, kemudian garam dan lada. Diamkan di dalam kulkas (chiller) minimal 2 jam.
  2. Keluarkan ayam dari kulkas. Kmd pukul/ gepuk ayam hingga sedikit tipis.
  3. Balurkan ayam ke tepung terigu. Kemudian ke kocokan telur, terakhir ke tepung panir..
  4. Goreng ayam hingga kecoklatan. Angkat.
  5. Tata di atas piring..
  6. Tambahkan lettuce dan saus thousands island (boleh di skip, sesuai selera aja.).
  7. Selesai!.

Place wedgelettuce on plate, add baked chicken katsu, sprinkle with blue cheese crumbles and cherry tomatoes. Drizzle blue cheese dressing on lettuce and chicken. Remove plastic wrap and season with kosher salt. Place panko in a separate shallow dish. Serve chicken katsu with Chinese cabbage salad and rice and drizzled with mayonnaise sauce.